What a fascinating weekend of sport in Rio.
Crammed packed with so many disciplines.
Or maybe the two weeks is torture for you and would rather be sticking pins in your eyes!
Personally, I was gripped by the men and women’s bike road race.
I used to cycle the Kingston to Box Hill loop (bit of a lame comparison I know) but these guys are on a whole different level.
They do this for a living but cycling for six hours in the Rio heat must have been so demanding and beyond my comprehension.
Most of the riders made it to the finish line, some did not…
A few were caught out on the fast descent and smashed into the side netting to avoid a further and even quicker descent down the cliff edge.
With computers, it does pay off showing some TLC or you could find your machine heading for a crash.
And it really doesn’t take that much work to keep your system in fairly tip-top condition.
The basics are…
1) Make sure you install every Windows or Mac security update that’s available.
2) Don’t get click happy and select Next, Next, Next when installing programs off the web. Doing so and you’ll inevitably find software being installed that you never asked for. Definitely pays off to use the ‘Custom’ option and select what you really need.
3) Check your AntiVirus (AV) is up to date; and yes you should have AV protection on a Mac. Times have changed.
4) Clear out any Malware (Malicious Software) and Adware from your system.
5) Remove any browser extensions you don’t need.
6) Uninstall redundant applications.
Enjoy the games – or grab the pins!