I know it’s not quite Xmas yet, but it’s never too early for some tech Christmas cracker jokes… 🧑‍🎄

Why was the mobile phone wearing glasses?… Because it lost its contacts.

Where did the software developer go?… He probably Ransomware!

Why are Microsoft employees never relaxed?… Because they’re always on Edge.

I was walking down the street where the houses were numbered, 64k, 128k, 256k, 512k, and 1MB. That was a trip down memory lane!

What do you call an iPhone that sleeps too much?… Dead Siri-ous.

Why did the computer go to the dentist?… To get his Bluetooth checked.

What is the biggest lie anyone can tell?… I have read and agreed to all the terms and conditions.

Have you heard of that new band “1023 Megabytes”?… They’re pretty good, but they don’t have a gig just yet.

I took a Microsoft Office class in high school… I Excelled in it.

Why do vampire’s use Linux?… Because they don’t like Windows in their house.

Why don’t programmers like nature?… It has too many bugs.

What’s a computer’s favourite beat?… An algorithm.

Why did the computer break up with the internet?… There were too many ‘bad connections.’

Why was the computer cold?… It left its Windows open.

Why are computers so smart?… They listen to their motherboards.

How do you know if a software engineer is an introvert or extrovert?… An extrovert looks at your shoes when he’s talking to you.

How do you get a computer drunk?… Give it a screen shot.